Hello friend! 👋
While I like to have fun with the word super, the concepts I will cover here are deeply rooted in scientific evidence and not ‘supernatural’ in any way.
They are the distilled wisdom of more than 200 books and over 24 months of my active study and research of what makes life worth living (whether within my applied positive psychology studies or beyond).
Every quality we wish for is either a by-product of one or a combination of these. Think clarity, consistency, wisdom, play, creativity, collaboration, peace of mind, patience, etc…
Each one of us has two beautiful and distinct relationships with these concepts (or characteristics):
We have the ability to cultivate them without prior learning (i.e. by simply intending to practice them)
We need them to unlock our best potential whether at home or at work. (i.e. they’re foundational, and all are needed)
And because of those two points, they are not just concepts but rather choices each one of us can make. 💡
To close the gap between who we are and who we can be.
Let’s unpack them and how you can bring them to life today.
Short Story
Have the courage to dream big, and be compassionate when you fall short.
Fuel your confidence to achieve the difficult, and stop to celebrate achieving the easy (as well).
Be curious about what can be different, and stay committed to what you already have.
It’s a dance.
Enjoy it!
Long Story
Courage - taking action in the presence of fear
Our definition of courage being the absence of fear is completely off.
I’m often reminded of Seneca’s wisdom:
“It’s not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.”
Dream big
Speak your truth
Make that decision
Celebrating - the big and small wins alike
Gratitude is tied for 2nd place in the qualities that produce lasting well-being (alongside hope).
And current science forecasts that it will surpass it to 1st place.
Explore the world with a fresh eye
What you appreciate, appreciates
Stop to recognize how far you (and others) have come
Compassion - better motivator than punishment
This one we don’t do very well, and especially when it comes to ourselves.
But we lead (and live) with our hearts, not just our minds.
Recognize everyone makes mistakes
Be kind to yourself (and others) when making one
Be realistic about how bad the mistake was (Hint: be mindful, practice mindfulness)
Commitment - strengthens your self-image
Consistency is the secret sauce, and it is made up with a whole lot of commitment.
How you keep (or don’t) your commitments directly impacts your self-image
Take tiny steps, they accumulate and compound
Celebrate showing up when you do
Re-commit when you don’t
Confidence - source of hope and clarity
From Latin: Confidere, meaning “Intense trust”. In yourself.
In your abilities to show up and do the work when needed
Don’t break commitments you make
Be compassionate when you break them
Celebrate all your wins (big and small alike)
Curiosity - feeds creativity and wisdom
Da Vinci’s #1 attitude for a successful life (the man knew a thing or two about that! ☺️)
Curiosity brings the fun and zest to life. And it is also the bedrock for building wisdom.
Listen to understand (not just to respond)
Explore learnings from failures
Try (and fail) often
There you go.
The 6 C's.
They feed into each other, creating a perpetual virtuous cycle.
Make these choices in every engagement you have whether with yourself or others, at home or at work.
If you’re curious about exploring these topics in much more depth, they are just one part of a bigger training I run (currently only once annually) called the 30-day becomeSUPER Challenge.
Click here to check out details of the one we ran earlier this year.
And you can register your interest by clicking here (I will e-mail you once new doors open).
With that, I want to wish you a Super Sunday! 💪
With much joy,
PS. Want to increase your focus and emotional intelligence through a scientific and evidence-based course? Click here to join the waitlist for the upcoming MBSR cohort starting January 25th, 2024 (reply back for early bird promo code)