Here’s my science-based framework to keep productive (so I can move forward on my goals) despite being extremely busy
Try out these 3 simple yet effective steps
Hello friend! 👋
Today we dive into a topic that is applicable to you no matter your age, status, or job title.
And no, I don’t mean that “toxic productivity mindset”.
I am talking about the true desire to be productive with our time.
Because it is our most precious asset - one that can never reproduced.
Especially as the world moves faster (which makes it even more stressful), we may find that our time is sometimes not even ours to keep.
So… Being productive with your time TODAY is a skill more important than ever.
This is why I developed a framework that helped me accomplish more in the last 18 months than I did in the 5 previous years. Combined.
Let’s dive straight in!
👁️ First: Productivity has more to do with discipline than with hacks
Unfortunately, sometimes people focus on hacks and shortcuts (because they’re cool to engage in) yet end up wasting enormous amounts of time in between.
Like with anything, consistency and discipline are the magic sauce.
As I always say; your willpower is your superpower.
The best productivity hack you can apply is to show up and do what you said you will do.
Compounded over and over, you’ll do more with your time than almost everyone around you.
BUT discipline gets a lot of bad rep; it’s heavy, feels like a burden, and not easy.
Let’s work on reframing that:
Discipline is nothing but clarity on your why.
When you know why something is valuable to you, and you connect deeply with that, you will find the willpower to make time for it and make it happen.
Whether it is working out (picture athletes) or being creative (picture me writing this newsletter 👀😁), or even spending time with loved ones.
Science tells us we have access to INFINITE willpower when we connect intrinsically with our WHY.
Life application:
Create a long term plan: 20 years, 5 years, 3 years, 1 year… or even 6 months is good enough to get you started.
The bigger the horizon, the deeper the why (and the higher the chances for discipline).
📅 Second: Add a 4th dimension to your to-do list
To-do lists are cancer for productivity if not managed right.
AND almost EVERYONE is doing it wrong.
Instead of collecting lists, use your calendar.
Your calendar helps you in many different ways, but here are the main ones:
Know when the task is due, if not due today then I’m not thinking (or worrying) about it.
How long it will take.
How much time is available for it, today.
When your to-do list is translated into calendar slots, magic happens.
You do not only get to visually plan and prioritize your days.
But, you also get to keep track of where your time is usually being spent!
Life application:
Start with taking your to-do list in your calendar directly vs. any other note-taking app you have.
Bonus if you merge work and personal calendars so you can truly manage your life in one place.
❌ Realize that whatever you say YES to, you’re saying NO to something else.
Decide wisely.
This is one of these things which you know but you never remember in the moment.
It is critical for me to remind you of this, because I myself always forget it.
The solution?
Pre book yourself with what’s important.
The trick for me was to pre-plan everything I want to do, on my calendar, in line with my 20 year plan.
I’ve got visionary, audacious and wildly important goals 20 years ahead.
Three main goals; one for my self, another my purpose, and another my relationships.
I chopped those down into something a little more realistic in 5 years.
Then more specific in 3 years.
And very detailed for 1 year.
Accordingly, each month serves a very clear purpose in this journey, and I can very easily divide the priorities of the weeks for the coming month.
Once my days have the most important task roughly scheduled, I’m then able to know what am I saying NO to before I say YES to anything else.
This way the urgent but not important doesn’t seep into my days (and make me feel miserable for lack of progress weeks or months later).
Life application:
Head over to your calendar and put your most important task of the day for each of the next 7 days of the week (till next Sunday).
Pre-commit to prioritize this most important tasks and manage what comes your way during the week accordingly.
Hint: this is NOT an advice to be rigid, it is a chance for you to know what you’re sacrificing if you decide not to do what’s most IMPORTANT to YOU. And yes, 🤬 happens, and when it does you can move that task to the next day and catch up.
This framework has proven helpful to me on weekly, monthly, and quarterly horizons.
I’m curious, what is your most effective productivity habit?
Have a Super Sunday! 💪
With much joy,
Awareness Strengthening via Mindfulness Workshop: Sign up to the upcoming FREE 90-min workshop, to explore the science-backed benefits of mindfulness. The last one filled up in 2 days!
1:1 Coaching: Book your 1:1 coaching with me - I’m currently offering limited free spots as part of my Master’s in Applied Positive Psychology accreditation program. Let’s grow together!
Very interesting. Calendar journaling 👌🏽
I will use these tips to plan my online page and the posts that I plan to publish. Having a calendar will definitely not only to manage time but also to visualize my goals which will make them REAL. and therefore I will feel more motivated to do them