Hello friend! 👋
Welcome to the new Super Sunday format. Let’s dedicate this issue to focusing on the right type of motivation.
We will cover this concept through 3 layers: Awareness, Choices, Systems.
Let’s dive in!
1. Awareness
(establishing the concept, defining it, and why it matters)
Positive psychology defines motivation as the desire to move forward on an action in pursuit of a goal.
It divides them into two parts:
Intrinsic motivation: stemming from internal drives that are personal. Think: doing things for the sake of doing them.
Example: an artists creating a piece of work for their love of beauty.
Extrinsic motivation: stemming from external drives (sometimes put by others).
Example: Studying for a degree because others think it’s valuable.
Different research converges on one point: if you want to achieve lasting happiness, you want to focus on intrinsic motivators rather than extrinsic ones.
2. Choices:
(How to bring this to life, decisions/actions to be taken)
Keep a reflective journaling practice to strengthen self-awareness.
Take the values-in-action survey to know character strengths.
Spend less time comparing and more time discovering your unique motivators.
3. Systems:
(How to do it consistently so it becomes a habit)
Keep a consistent journaling practice:
Assign a specific time you’ll journal daily (I like to do it first thing and last thing in the day)
Aim for daily reflection, try not to skip two days in a row.
Keep it simple and personal (for example, use bullet points vs. free writing if that’s easier for you)
Use questions as prompts to reflect on.
What is one thing I can do today that can create the biggest impact on my happiness. Why?
If I don’t need to do anything today, what will I choose to do? Why?
If you enjoyed this improved style of writing Super Sunday, let me know.
If you have suggestions, please share.
Have a Super Sunday!
With much joy,
Love the new writing style!